this message?
how are you?
I can't speak now. sorry.see you later. as soon as possible.
bye for now. hugs and kisses.
Texting Dictionary (by Voice of America)
afaik - as far as I know
aml - all my love
asap - as soon as possible
b4 - before
b4n - bye for now
bc - because
bf or b/f - boyfriend or best friend
cnt - can't
cos - because
cu or cya - see you (later)
cul8r - see you later
dno - don't know
dnt - don't
ez easy
ema e-mail address
fwiw for what it's worth
fyi for your information
g2cu good to see yougb goodbye
gf or g/f girlfriend
gr8 great
h8 hate
hf have fun
hru how are you?
idk I don't know
ilbl8 I'll be late
ily or ilu i love you
iykwim if you know what I mean
jk just kidding
jic just in case
k okay
kit keep in touch
kwim know what I mean?
l8 late
l8r late
lol laugh out loud or lots of love
lyk like
msg message
myob mind your own business
nvm never mind
ne any
ne1 anyone
no1 no one
omg oh my god
omw on my way
pls or plz please
ppl people
q question
qik quick
rofl rolling on floor laughing
ruok are you okay?
slp sleep
sry sorry
spk speak
sup what's up?
syl see you later
thts that is
thx thanks or thank you
tlk2ul8r talk to you later
tmi too much information
ur your or you're
uw you're welcome
w/e weekend or whatever
wat what
xlnt excellent
xo or xox hugs and kisses
ygbkm you've got to be kidding me
yr your
yw you're welcome
zzz bored or sleeping