INCREASE From 0% to 100%
With plural countable nouns:
many more most
With uncountable nouns:
much more most
DECREASE From 100% to 0%
With plural countable nouns:
few fewer fewest
With uncountable nouns:
little less least



  • There are many people in England, more in India, but the most people live in China.
  • Much time and money is spent on education, more on health services but the most is spent on national defence.
  • Few rivers in Europe are not polluted.
  • Fewer people die young now than in the seventeenth century.
  • The country with the fewest people per square kilometre must be Australia.
  • Scientists have little hope of finding a complete cure for cancer before the year 2,000.
  • She had less time to study than Paul but had better results.
  • Give that dog the least opportunity and it will bite you.

SOURCE: edufind.com/english/grammar


https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhk-Q-a_h2R_zicibQHmuj6LiHnxXgJuLOpHkAUrXh80PvgSVOjOYV1qzITCVmZT1tpcE-YAhgvBrwWfOE_oU9dk1PsWmrXrF7K7ojMRUmvlO0xinUIH2PAHVajnB-QtKhjECqJAw1xWcmT/s1600/popcorn_soda.jpgI took an explanation from an online FORUM discussion 
usingenglish.com ]

 Which of these two movies did you like more?
This compares two movies.

Which movies did you like the most/ most?
This compares more than two movies.
"Most" and "the most" mean the same thing.

Which movies did you like the best/best?
This means the same as example 2.
"Best" and "the best" mean the same thing.

Can I use  "the best" / "the most" / "best" / "most" indifferently?
No, but you can use them interchangeably*.
* because "Indifferent to" means "uncaring about" or "not concerned with":
She was indifferent to the hunger of the workers' children.



Most  vs. Most of the

