1 crunchy, crispy, brittle, crumbly, friable, breakable; firm, dry. ANTONYMS soft.
Sarah ordered scrambled eggs and crisp bacon...
2 invigorating, bracing, brisk, fresh, refreshing, exhilarating, tonic, energizing;
cool, chill, chilly, cold, nippy. ANTONYMS sultry.
Grace and Elijah enjoyed the crisp autumn day...
3 brisk, decisive, businesslike, no-nonsense, incisive, to the point, matter-of-fact, brusque; terse, succinct, concise, brief, short, short and sweet, laconic, snappy. ANTONYMS soft, sultry, rambling.
Ms. Stevens's answers were crisp and to the point...
4 smooth, uncreased, ironed; starched. ANTONYMS wrinkled.
crisp white bed linen
crispers (Pyrex Crisper) :

crispers drawer:

a drawer: