Also / Too / Either


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after "to be."
  • I am also Canadian.
  • I was also there.
before all other single verb forms.
  • I also sing.
  • He also helped us.
between verbs
  • I have also been to Hong Kong.
  • I am also studying economics.
since modal verbs are usually followed by a second verb...
  • I can also speak French.
  • I should also be there.


at the end of a clause.
  • I am Canadian too.
  • I can speak French too.
  • I am studying economics too.
  • If he wants to go too, he should meet us at 8:00.

IMPORTANT: sometimes it is used with commas after the subject of the sentence. This is usually only done in formal speech:

  • Mr. Jones wanted the contract. Ms. Jackson, too, thought it was necessary.
  • Donna is working on a solution to the problem. I, too, am trying to find a way to resolve the conflict.


at the end of a clause.
  • I cannot speak French either.
  • I am not studying economics either.
  • I don't want to eat either.
  • I didn't like the movie either.