text below, by copied from: dailywritingtips.com
a noun from another part of speech.
This post is about nouns formed from verbs.
The least-disguised nominalized verb is the gerund: the present participle form of the verb used as a noun:
Hiking can be arduous.Agent Nouns
Writing is not for sissies.
Loitering is not permitted.
Many nouns that end in -or are derived from verbs; they denote the actor or agent of the verb from which they come:
actor: one who actsNote: The verbs in many -or agent nouns are not immediately recognizable because they correspond to Latin verbs, not English. For example, the rec- in rector is from the past participial stem of regere, “to rule.” In modern usage, a rector is a member of the Anglican clergy who has charge of a parish. Historically, a rector was a ruler or governor with temporal powers.
inventor: one who invents
sculptor: one who sculpts
governor: one who governs
translator: one who translates
The suffix -er also forms agent nouns: writer, worker, employer, dancer.
The suffixes -or and -er can also refer to things that perform a particular function: tiller, typewriter, projector.
Recipient Nouns
The suffix -ee is used in legal terminology to indicate the passive party in a legal transaction:
legatee: the person who is to receive a legacyThe -ee suffix is an adaptation of the é of certain Anglo-Norman past participles. The suffix has crept from legalese into general use. Some -ee forms do not jar:
payee: the person who has the right to be paid
employee: one who is employedOthers, however, sound silly:
evacuee: one who is evacuated
parolee: one who is paroled
tutee: one who is tutoredOther Nominalized Verbs Formed with Suffixes
awardee: one who is awarded something
kidnapee: one who is kidnapped
Other suffixes that transform verbs into nouns are: -tion, -sion, -ment, -ence, and -ance:
information, from “to inform”Zero-change Nominalization
investigation, from “to investigate”
collision, from “to collide”
agreement, from “to agree”
refusal, from “to refuse”
acceptance, from “to accept”
conference, from “to confer”
failure, from “to fail”
Some verbs can be used as nouns without the addition of a suffix:
Murder will out.Sometimes the verb and noun differ in pronunciation. For example, the noun progress is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable; the verb progress is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable.
Put this money to good use.
Most people dislike change.
Use Nominalized Verbs with Care
Several articles in the DWT archives refer to “smothered verbs,” referring to nominalized verbs that contribute to a stodgy style of writing.
Overuse of nominalized verbs, especially those ending in -tion and -ment, contribute to a wordy, stodgy style. For example,
The companies reached an agreement to build in the neighborhood.There’s nothing grammatically wrong with these sentences, but they can be improved stylistically by rewriting them to eliminate the nominalization and simply use the verb from which it comes:
Voters had a negative reaction to the new law.
The companies agreed to build in the neighborhood.
Voters reacted negatively to the new law.
Exercise: (copy, complete and send to me, ok?)
Write the correct form of the word. In the case of verbs, you sometimes need to use past tense etc.
Hard <>harden
Her vision on life in the city_____________ after she lost her son in a mob attack.
Do you want a ____________-boiled egg or a soft-boiled egg?
Sharp <> sharpen
Watch out! That knife is ____________.
Satisfied users of soft drugs say it ____________ their senses when they smoke.
Strong <> strength <> strengthen
You’re very ___________ for such a small girl.
These exercises ______________ your back.
After an illness you slowly gain back your _____________.
Long <> length <> lengthen
I’ll need to __________ the table to make room for all the guests.
She told the hairdresser she wanted to keep her hair all at the same __________.
I haven’t seen you in ___________.
Wide <> widen
The birds stretched their beaks __________ for their mother to feed them.
When we renovate our house we’ll __________ the sitting room windows.
Broad <> broaden
You’ll need to __________ your knowledge of current affairs if you want to be a reporter.
We’re looking for someone with a ______________ education.
Fat <> fatten
The corn cobs have ___________ and turned golden, so they’re ready to harvest.
Kermit called Miss Piggy a __________ cow, after which she broke off the engagement.
Loose <> loosen
The neighbour’s dog is ____________ again. Keep your children inside.
Mervin’s excruciatingly shy. He needs to _________ up.
Tight <> tighten
These screws want some more _____________.
We can’t afford a new car, as money is __________.