the EDDY post!

= /ɪd/ ?
/t/ ?


wanted = /wɒntɪd/
blocked = /blɒkt/
waved = /weɪvd/

  1. in a word that ends with /t/ or /d/ sound
    the –ed sounds like /ɪd/ ( pronounced as an extra syllable)

    end-ed  = 
    delight-ed  =  /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/

  2. in a word that ends with voiceless* consonant sounds
    the –ed sound is like /t/ (not pronounced as an extra syllable)

    clipped  = /klɪpt/
      =  /tʃekt/
    puffed  =  /pʌft/

    pɑːst/                       forced  =  /fɔːrst/

    *[p b], [t d], [k ɡ] [f v], [s z]
  3. in any other word that does not fit the above rules
    has voiced** consonant sounds, or ends with a vowel sound,
    the –ed is pronounced with a  /d/ sound, and also has no extra syllable.

    disturbed = /dɪˈstɜːbd/
    = /lɛɡd/***

    waved = /weɪvd/

      =  /əˈmeɪzd/
                    pleased = /pliːzd/

    **[p b], [t d], [k g], [f v], [s z]


passed  =  /pɑːst/    
- the word PAST is nothing but a variant of passed, past participle of pass...

cursed  =  /ˈkɜːsɪd/ or  /kɜːst/   
- the irreg. form of the participle is CURST.

"leaved" =  /liːvd/        - the irreg. form is LEFT /lɛft/, not leaved   but it exists:
                                                                                - left (v.) = abandonned...   
                                                                                - leaved (adj.) =  had a leaf or leaves...

acquired = /əˈkwaɪəd/
***legged = /ˈlɛɡɪd/ or /lɛɡd/***adjectives: aged, blessed, crooked, naked, wicked, ragged, learned...  all with  /ɪd/

Some examples of these adjectives in a sentence are:
“The aged man walked across the street” or
The professor was a truly learned man”.
However, when used as verbs, the normal rules apply.
So we have, “Wow, Bruce Willis sure has aged quickly!” or
“The students really have learned the material well”.

"If you don’t know what a voiced sound is, there is a very simple exercise to find out:  put your finger on your voice box (vocal chords).  Now make the sound. If you feel a vibration, then it is a voiced sound. If you do not feel a vibration, it’s an unvoiced or voiceless sound." (Kristen Hammer)


Here you have a good start:
There's a podcast online (you can simply listen to it, or,
you can download it from
In this AUDIO, Kristen Hammer  explains the -ED rules
and after it (at 5'26'') she reads a text ...

 before listening to the the text,
try to fill in the answers.

if it should sound like /t/,
D if it should sound like /d/, and
ID if it should add a syllable, and sound like /ɪd/.

The bear jumped (   ) out of its cage and into the crowd.
She must have realized (   ) that this was her best chance to escape.
The bear’s trainer looked (   ) as though he were about to faint
from the terror of it all; it seemed (    ) like his worst nightmare come true.
He scrambled (   ) to his feet and started (   )
waving his hands and shouting to get the bear’s attention.
She stopped (   ) her wild rampage only for a moment
at the sound of her trainer’s pleas. She quickly turned (   ) back
to the crowd and resumed (   ) knocking people to the floor.
The trainer suddenly had an idea. He reached (   ) into his pocket and
pulled (   ) from it a large chocolate covered (    ) treat
– a known favorite of the bear.
He shouted (   ) the bears name once more and she turned (   )
to face him. She saw the treat and ran in full gallop towards him.
He threw the treat into the cage and the bear followed (   ).
He locked (   ) the door behind her and fell to the floor in relief.
Apparently, the bear valued (   ) food more than freedom.

source: Kristen Hammer

 after reading  listen to the the AUDIO