

We use adverbials of manner 
say how sth. happens or is done:
The children were playing happily.
He was driving 
as fast as possible.

We use adverbials of place 
to say where  sth. happens:
I saw him there.
We met in 

We use adverbials of time to say 
when or how often  sth. happens:
They start work at six thirty.
usually go to work by bus.

We use adv. of probability to show 
how certain we are about sth.:
Perhaps the weather will be fine.
He is certainly coming to the party.

online activities:

 Underline the adverbial in each sentence and identify its form. What question do the adverbials answer? Then identify the sentence patterns.
  1. My friend works at the grocery store.
  2. We went to the pool to swim.
  3. I went to sleep after midnight.
  4. Jack went outside for some fresh air.
  5. After the show, we went skating.
  6. She left with a smile.
  7. She saw the cat on the porch.
  8. My friend and I decided to take a walk this morning.
  9. He will meet me here at 4 o'clock.
  10. Beth cried because of her dog's dying.
  11. The dog barked all night while I was trying to sleep.
  12. The boy laughed loudly.


1. My friend works at the grocery store.
- prepositional phrase that answers the question where?
2. We went to the pool to swim.
- "to the pool" is a prepositional phrase that answers the question where?
- "to swim" is an infinitive that answers the question why?
3. I went to sleep after midnight.
- prepositional phrase that answers the question when?
4. Jack went outside for some fresh air.
- "outside" is an adverb that answers the question where?
 - "for some fresh air" is a prepositional phrase that answers the question why? (Pattern VI)
5. After the show, we went skating.
- "after the show" is a subordinate clause that answers the question when?
 - "skating" is a participle that answers the question where? (Pattern VI)
6. She left with a smile.
- prepositional phrase that answers the question how? (Pattern VI)
7. She saw the cat on the porch.
- "on the porch" is a prepositional phrase that answers the question where? (Pattern VII)
8. My friend and I decided to take a walk this morning.
- "this morning" is a noun phrase acting as an adverbial; it answers the question when? (Pattern VII)
9. He will meet me here at 4 o'clock.
- "here" is an adverb that answers the question where?
"at 4 o'clock" is a prepositional phrase that answers the question when? (Pattern VII)
10. Beth cried because of her dog's dying.
- prepositional phrase that answers the question why? (Pattern VI)
11. The dog barked all night while I was trying to sleep.
- "all night" is a noun phrase acting as an adverbial; it answers the question when?
"while I was trying to sleep" is a subordinate clause that answers the question when? ( Pattern VI)
12. The boy laughed loudly.
- adverb that answers the question how? (Pattern VI)